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Papers, Technical Reports, Discussion Papers, Manuscripts, Drafts on
Wavelets in Statistics
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Theme: Wavelets and Statistics
Recent Updates [from Summer 2005]
Really Old Stuff [from the last millenium]
Fasten your seat belts: Lubo is talking MATH! (Atomic Decompositions of Function Spaces, Fractional Integral, Differential Operators.
Fasten your seat belts: Lubo is talking some more MATH! Lacunary Multiresolution Methods of Approximation.
Averkamp & Houdre: Thresholding for nongaussian noise [Idealism]
Averkamp & Houdre: Thresholding for nongaussian noise [Finctionality]
Averkamp & Houdre: Thresholding for nongaussian noise [Pictures]
Anestis Antoniadis: Smoothing Noisy Data With Tapered Coiflets.
Anestis, Irene and Gerard: Model Selection Using Wavelet decompositions.
Umbreto and Anestis: Adaptive Wavelet Estimation.
Anestis Antoniadis: Wavelets in Statistics, A Review.
Lubo and Jim on Penalized Estimation. (A NEW VERSION)
Lubo and Brenda on estimation with positivity constraints (A NEW VERSION)
Lubo, Brenda, and Spiro on estimation with positivity constraints and numerical issues.
CC Holmes and DGT Denison on Wavelet Complexity Priors.
Chris and Bani again on wavelet Bayesian networks.
Abramovich, Sapatinas, & Silverman: Stochastic atomic decompositions in a wavelet dictionary.
Time Series and Wavelets, David Brillinger, manuscript 1
Time Series and Wavelets, David Brillinger, manuscript 2
Eero's talk in Asilomar: Statistical Models for Images
Non-negative wavelets and their use in density estimation (G. Walter and X. Shen)
Wavelet Spectral Density Estimation by Hong-ye Gao
Wavelet Heteroscedastic Regression by Hong-ye Gao
Todd Ogden on Bayesian change-point analysis by wavelets
Statistical modelling of time series using non-decimated wavelet representations, By Nason, G.P., Sapatinas, T. and Sawczenko, A.
Robert Buccigrossi and Eero Simoncelli on Statistical Modeling of Images in Wavelet Domain + Compressing Applications
Thresholding via a Bayesian Approach (Abramovich, Sapatinas, Silverman)
Marina and Fabio on wavelet outputs to autoregresive input
Marina's PhD Thesis (ITALIAN)
Statistical inverse problems (Abramovich, Silverman)
Best and Schafer on Statistical Fields
Mary Ellen Bock and German Pliego on Daub4 in regression problems
Spectral Densities and Wavelets. (Carmona and Wang)
Transients in time series (Carmona)
Pedro and Chang on Wavelets and Stationary Processes.
Donoho on CART and Wavelets.
Hugh, Eric, and Rob (University of Chicago) on: Adaptive Bayesian Wavelets
Hong-ye Gao on Thresholding of Spectral Densities
Hong-ye Gao and Andrew Bruce on Thresholding in Semi-Soft Way
Johnstone and Silverman on Thresholding of Correlated Noise
Leblanc on wavelet density estimation in time series
Thesis of Jian Lu on wavelet denoising.
Mallat, Papanicolaou, and Zhang on covariances of stationary processes.
The phase of least-assymetric wavelet filters: McCoy, Percival, and Walden.
Marron at al. on Wavelet Regression.
Nason's Wavethresh Manual.
Nason's Paper on threshold determination by crossvalidation.
Nason and Silverman's Stationary Wavelet Transformation.
Percival on Wavelet Variances
Ragozin, Andrew Bruce and Hong-ye Gao: On not so smooth wavelets.
Saito and Coifman on Local Discriminant Bases.
Approximating by Matching Pursuit.
Mallat and Zhang on Matching Pursuit.
Wavelet Warrior G. Davis, S. Mallat and M. Avellaneda on Matching Pursuit.
Bayesian Denoising via Wavelet Coring: Simoncelli and Adelson.
Minimax Estimation (Stander and Silverman).
Discrete Multiple Wavelet Transformations (Downie and Silverman)
Inverse Problems (Abramovich and Silverman)
Wickerhauser on Fast Factor Analysis
Visit also Electronic Proceedings of Duke's Wavelet Workshop
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